Provides a unique deep-dive into the vast challenges and opportunities of a rapidly expanding power system dominated by electricity generation from variable green energy sources.

China’s energy transition outlook
Explore how fast China will reduce emissions and transition to an energy system dominated by solar and wind - and what it means for the rest of the world

Our annual forecast towards 2050 shows the development of energy supply and demand, technologies, infrastructure and much more - globally and in 10 world regions.

- Energy
About the report
This year, we forecast that clean energy will increase from today’s 20% share of the global energy mix to 52% in 2050. But the global energy transition has not yet started, if we define the transition as clean energy replacing fossil energy in absolute terms.

- Energy
Six Key Highlights
The Energy Transition Outlook is a forecast towards 2050, but also includes short term developments. In this 7th edition of our annual outlook, we analyze the impact of energy security concerns, inflation, supply chain disruptions and the impact of progressive policies in some regions.

- Energy
Explore our special reports
In addition to the main Energy Transition Outlook report, we also publish special reports, where we deep-dive into a sector, technology or topic.

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The transition in 10 global regions
There are big geographical variations in the energy systems, energy mix, and in how fast the energy transition develops. You can drill down into 10 regional reports to study the energy transition in your region.
Watch the launch of Energy Transition Outlook 2023
Get the highlights from the report and hear great panel discussions from industry and policy leaders, including how climate talk can be turned into action.
Watch the launch of Pathway to Net Zero
A 30-minute webinar providing highlights from our report on a plausible pathway to limit global warming to 1.5