Business Assurance Cross-market services Cross-market services Quality Management Demonstrates your commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Diversity, equity and inclusion Diversity, equity and inclusion standards can guide any company on their journey to deliver on their commitment to DE&I Environmental and Energy certification Energy efficiency and environmental management. Occupational health and safety Manage workplace risks and ensure workers’ well-being. Information security & privacy Certification helps you protect critical information, data and systems and helps ensure compliance with applicable regulation. Business continuity management A certified management system helps you manage and mitigate disruptions threatening continued business. Social and ethical management Demonstrate your commitment to safeguard human rights and operate in an ethical, responsible manner. Consumer product standards Safety and quality of consumer products is a rising concern especially with increasingly global production and procurement. Your added value Find out more on the digital customer experience. Why partner with us? We offer more than a ticket to trade How can we help you? Contact us