Retention and transfer of critical knowledge

Building barriers against knowledge loss

Loss and attrition of business critical knowledge and experiences can expose organizations to safety and availability risks.

The quality and availability of expertise can be affected by crew changes, an ageing workforce, employee mobility, hand-overs, and asset transfer.

Increasingly, organizations anticipate these risks by initiating systematic knowledge retention and transfer programmes. Focusing on a vital few critical knowledge areas ensures that investments are targeted and aligned with corporate strategy.

DNV has experience in creating knowledge management strategies that focus on mitigating risks and vulnerabilities in critical knowledge areas. We concentrate on three areas of knowledge loss:

People: through retirement, career moves and staff mobility

Assets: through lack of historical data (asset memory), transfer of assets

Projects: through insufficient learning from experiences.

Our portfolio of tools enables efficient and effective knowledge capture and transfer, and produces accessible, useful results.

What we do:

  • Identify and map critical knowledge and competencies
  • Identify knowledge loss risks
  • Screen and score personnel, assets and projects for potential loss of knowledge
  • Select knowledge capturing and retention instruments
  • Design and plan knowledge retention and transfer programmes
  • Train staff to carry out knowledge retention and transfer actions
  • Recommend IT environments to support.

ISO 9001:2015 7.1.6

White paper

  Do you determine the knowledge necessary for business performance?

Do you determine the knowledge necessary for business performance?

White Paper

Customer references


Identify and retain critical knowledge

The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority is facing an aging workforce and the risk of losing knowledge.


The right knowledge at the right time

Implementing a retention of critical knowledge programme will help SGN secure its knowledge assets