Engineering and design
Modelling of wind farms and wind turbines
Modelling of wind farms and wind turbines - Service Line Page
- Power and renewables
WindFarmer: Analyst - Wind resource assessment software
Our wind resource assessment software is the complete tool for wind resource and energy production assessments and wind farm development.
- Power and renewables
Wind farm investment support
PE_Wind farm investment support - serviceline
- Power and renewables
Wind farm engineering support
PE_Wind farm engineering support - serviceline
- Power and renewables
Wind farm construction support
PE_Wind farm construction support - serviceline
- Power and renewables
Wind turbine performance measurements
ME_Wind turbine performance measurements - serviceline
- Power and renewables
Wind turbine testing
ME_Wind turbine testing - serviceline
- Power and renewables
Wind turbine acoustic measurements
ME_Wind turbine acoustic measurements - serviceline
- Power and renewables
Wind turbine electrical measurements
ME_Wind turbine electrical measurements - serviceline
- Power and renewables
Control solutions for wind farms and wind turbines
TE_Control solutions for wind farms and wind turbines - serviceline
- Power and renewables
Bladed - Wind turbine design software
Bladed is the leading wind turbine design software for the design and certification of onshore and offshore wind turbines.
- Power and renewables
Design analysis for wind farms and wind turbines
TE_Design analysis for wind farms and wind turbines - serviceline
- Power and renewables
Solar projects and operations
Solar projects and operations - serviceline
- Power and renewables
Wave and tidal concept development
Wave and tidal concept development - serviceline
- Power and renewables
Integration of renewables into the grid
Integration of renewables into the grid - serviceline
- Power and renewables
Grid design, planning and specifications
Grid design, planning and specifications- serviceline
- Power and renewables
Grid technology qualification
Grid technology qualification - serviceline
- Power and renewables
Connecting renewables to the grid
Connecting renewables to the grid - serviceline
- Power and renewables
Power system planning and reliability
- Power and renewables
A route map approach for wind asset optimization
- Power and renewables
Protocol simulators
- Power and renewables
B-READY: building resilience assessment tool
- Power and renewables
- Other sectors
Power price forecasts for Europe
- Power and renewables