Marine propulsion design and analysis - Nauticus Machinery

Marine propulsion system designers rely on the complete software package for fatigue, strength and vibration analysis

Marine propulsion systems

Nauticus Machinery is a complete software package for fatigue, strength and vibration analysis in marine propulsion systems - bridging the gap between shaft theory and reality.

Calculation tools for ship propulsion - Nauticus Machinery

  • Calculation tools for strength assessment of rotating machinery components and systems
  • Modular system allows you to configure the package based upon your needs
  • Easy-to-use Project Manager, entry point to all of the modules
  • Software based on DNV expertise in design-verification methodology and acceptance criteria for ship propulsion shafting systems
  • Continuous improvements based on extensive DNV research projects and damage experience
  • Fast and comprehensive support, training courses held regularly worldwide
  • Regular release updates based on customer feedback

Marine propulsion design and analysis

Proper propulsion system/components analyses during the design phase help avoid delays in delivery and damage problems in operation, thereby reducing expensive off-hire. Professional and reliable software is essential for the design of a robust system.

Key benefits of Nauticus Machinery software for marine propulsion systems

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  Nauticus Machinery brochure

Nauticus Machinery brochure

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  Nauticus Machinery modules

Nauticus Machinery modules

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