
测试 EDI 接口的信息交换

对于能源市场上的 EDI 接口,DNV 已打造出多种设备用于测试各类信息的交换。这些测试设备可在诸如进程、事务、语义、句法和传输等多个层级对信息交换进行测试。


  • ESS
  • EDIG@S

我们的测试设备可全天候通过互联网访问,方便在开发和实施阶段使用。输电系统运营商使用 DNV 的设备对其他市场参与者的 EDI 接口进行认证。为帮助用户对其实施进行调试,我们还提供一个服务台。



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The International Electrotechnical Commission


GridWise Alliance

The leading industry coalition advocating for the modernization of our nation's electric system

  DLMS test suite for smart meters

DLMS test suite for smart meters

Download the brochure

  IEC 60870-5 test suite

IEC 60870-5 test suite

Download the brochure

  IEC 61850 test tool family

IEC 61850 test tool family

Download the brochure

  IEC 61850 UniGrid test tool

IEC 61850 UniGrid test tool

Download brochure


IEC 60870-5 RTU simulator

Download the brochure


Protocol competence and test centre

Download brochure


Protocol analyzers

Analyze, monitor, capture and store IEC protocol communications frames


Conformance test register of IEC 61850 equipment

Download register


Protocol simulators

Construct, send and receive IEC protocol communications frames


Protocol test suites

The DNV IEC protocol test suites are a combination of our powerful simulators and smart analyzers.


Protocol test facilities

Testing the exchange of information for EDI interfaces