Energy storage system standards and test types

DNV’s battery and energy storage certification and conformance testing provides high-quality, standards-based assessment of your energy storage components.

US and International standards
As energy storage system deployment increases exponentially, a growing number of codes in the US and internationally have been developed to insure the safe installation and deployment of these systems in many applications and industries. In support of these codes are a number of standards developed by US and international bodies that provide guidelines and requirements for testing and safety. While DNV has been able to perform nonstandard and research testing for many years, recent agreements and partnerships with CSA Group and fire service partner Rescue Methods now allows DNV to perform large scale fire testing for compliance with a number of standards from IEC, UL and IEEE among others.

Standards tested to:

  • IEC 61427, IEC 62133, IEC 62619
  • UL 1642, UL 1973, UL 9540A
  • IEEE 1547, IEEE P2030.3 
  • DNV Maritime Class Propagation Testing

In addition to standards testing, DNV continues to offer the following nonstandard and research testing capabilities at the DNV BEST Test Center and at the Alternative Energy Fire Research and Training Center in Piqua, Ohio. These tests include electrical performance and degradation testing at the cell and module level as well as safety, fire and destructive testing up to the container level.  

Particular tests include:

  • Cell and module characterization
    • Capacity characterization
    • Resistance characterization
    • Electrical and thermal performance
    • Round trip efficiency
    • Vocational performance characterization
  • Battery aging and degradation
    • Solar+Storage and other vocational profiles
    • Battery AI 
  • Module and System Operation
    • Third party BMS and controls validation testing
    • BMS functionality 
    • Balancing performance
    • State of Charge/State of Health validation
  • Cell, module and system level safety testing
    • Cell level destructive testing
    • Offgas monitoring 
    • Heat release rate monitoring
    • Ignition via overcharge, heat exposure, nail penetration, short circuit and direct flame impingement
  • Module level destructive testing
    • Flame propagation
    • Design review and modelling
    • Internal cell failure, direct flame impingement, ballistic testing
  • Full scale system testing
    • UL, IEC, DNV Class testing
    • Internal failure, direct flame impingement, and security testing
    • Suppression and exhaust system testing and validation

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