

下载证书和参考资料 - 包括风力发力机、波浪和潮汐转换器、岸上和海上项目、GCC、CMS/监测机构、防火系统、电气组件、基础和支撑结构、齿轮箱和传动系统组件、动叶和高塔以及维护服务和培训系统等。

  List of Certifications

List of Certifications

Download certifications and references here

  What we do

What we do

About DNV's renewables certification services

  Committee of Experts

Committee of Experts

More about the DNV Committee of Experts

  A new DNV standard for rotor blades

A new DNV standard for rotor blades

Introducing DNVGL-ST-0376: The new rotor blade standard for enhancing reliability and for improving certification processes


Renewables Certification home

Go back to the Renewables Certification services overview