A modern ship today includes complex automated systems. Increased data collection, processing and inter-connectivity capabilities enable automated systems to be controlled remotely or by algorithms. The overall progress may gradually increase the applications for remote controlled and autonomous ships, which have the potential to enhance safety, improve the environmental performance, and enable more cost-effective shipping.
The recorded webinar "Autonomous and remotely operated ships – status and outlook" covers the following topics:
- A general overview of the development
- The safety challenge and how this can be addressed
- The regulatory challenge
- Considerations on the business case and ethics
- A summary of the DNV class guideline for autonomous and remotely operated ships
This webinar is relevant to ship owners and managers, technology vendors and shipyards, but also other stakeholders in the maritime industry can benefit.
The presenters are Bjørn Johan Vartdal, Program Director Maritime Research, as by Are Jørgensen, Senior Principal Engineer, both from DNV.