New ships

Newbuilding projects for which the carriage of more than 12 industrial personnel is relevant should plan for compliance with the new IP Code. 

All ships to which the IP Code applies shall have on board an Industrial Personnel Safety Certificate.


Expand the blue ribbon “Application” below, for the exact text in the new SOLAS Ch. XV Reg. 3 Application.

Ref. Reg. 3.1, the IP Code applies to all cargo ships and to high-speed cargo craft

  • of 500 gross tonnage and upwards, and which
  • will carry more than a total of 12 industrial personnel, special personnel and passengers combined
  • constructed on or after 1 July 2024 *

* However, Regulation 3.4 concludes that the IP Code applies to all ships, irrespective construction date, unless the ship has been authorized by the Administration before 1 July 2024, to carry more than 12 industrial personnel. Consequently (it is our understanding) that a ship under construction (keel laid also before 1 July 2024) and not delivered by 1 July 2024, will need to comply and be certified in accordance with the IP Code, if intending to carry industrial personnel. (We do not expect an Administration to authorize a ship in accordance with Reg. 3.2 and 3.3 if the ship is not already in operation.)

In other words, if you will operate with more than 12 IP, the ship will need an IP certificate, and there are in principle two ways to obtain it;

  1. Through full compliance, which will be relevant for ships which are not in operation and authorized by 1 July 2024. (We do not expect an Administration to authorize a ship in accordance with Reg. 3.2 and 3.3 if the ship is not already in operation.)
  2. Through grandfathering, which will be relevant for ships in operation (see this section) if grandfathering provisions have been adopted by the flag, and the ship is authorized to carry industrial personnel prior to 1 July 2024, in accordance with Reg. 3.2 and 3.3.
Regulation 3

Regulation 3

  1. Unless expressly provided otherwise, this chapter applies to cargo ships and high-speed cargo craft, of 500 gross tonnage and upwards, constructed on or after 1 July 2024 which carry more than 12 industrial personnel. 
  2. Cargo ships constructed before 1 July 2024, authorized by the Administration to carry more than 12 industrial personnel in accordance with the recommendations developed by the Organization, shall comply with regulations III/1, III/2 (except for paragraph 2.1.7), IV/7 and IV/8 of the IP Code by the first intermediate or renewal survey, whichever occurs first, after 1 July 2024. 
  3. High-speed cargo craft constructed before 1 July 2024, authorized by the Administration to carry more than 12 industrial personnel in accordance with the recommendations developed by the Organization,2 shall comply with regulations III/1, III/2 (except for paragraph 2.1.7), V/7 and V/8 of the IP Code by the third periodical or first renewal survey, whichever occurs first, after 1 July 2024. 
  4. Cargo ships and high-speed cargo craft, irrespective of date of construction, which prior to the 1 July 2024 have not been authorized by the Administration to carry more than 12 industrial personnel based on the recommendations developed by the Organization,2 shall comply and be certified in accordance with this chapter and the IP Code prior to the carriage of more than 12 industrial personnel on board.
  5. For the purpose of this chapter, the expression constructed refers to the description given in regulations: 
                1. II-2/, as complemented by regulation II-2/1.1.3 for cargo ships; and 
                2. X/1.4, as complemented by regulation X/1.5 for high-speed cargo craft.
Refer to the Interim recommendations on the safe carriage of more than 12 industrial personnel on board vessels engaged on international voyages (resolution MSC.418(97)).


The IP Code applies to ships from 500 GT operating on international voyages.

However, it is recognized that the transport of a large number of industrial personnel will take place either within the confines of a particular coastal state or between a base port and an offshore installation outside territorial waters.

To facilitate international movement and safe operations of ships carrying industrial personnel, administrations are encouraged to also apply this code to ships operating only on such voyages.

The flag administrations may also apply the IP Code and issue IP certificates to ships below 500 GT if they comply (as far as practicable) to the satisfaction of the administration, with all relaxations indicated on the certificate.

About the requirements

The IP Code and its design and construction requirements are to a large extent based on the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code), but with a few adaptations, mainly:

  • Training: Requirements to the industrial personnel (age, fitness, language, training and familiarization)
  • Safe transfer: Requirements to the arrangement for the safe transfer of personnel
  • Lifesaving appliances: For HSC cargo crafts, illuminated or luminous notices or video information system(s) are to be provided for the IP personnel and a safety equipment sub- centre for the crew.
  • Dangerous goods: If simultaneously carrying dangerous liquid chemicals and/or liquified gases as cargo in bulk and industrial personnel, be certified in accordance with SOLAS VII Part B or C or comply and be certified in accordance with the OSV Chemical Code (Res. A.1122(30)) or a standard not inferior to it. Ships carrying toxic products, low-flashpoint products and acids are not allowed to have more than 60 persons on board in total.

DNV can help!

DNV is available to help in all phases of a newbuilding project for a variety of services related to the IP Code:

  • Clarification of the requirements in the code (interpretations)
  • Early design review / concept design review
  • Approval in principle
  • Technical studies/analyses
  • Gap analyses
  • Dialogue with the flag administration

Please do not hesitate to contact us and let us know how we may assist you with your next project!

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