Existing ships
There are many vessels operating today with “industrial personnel” or non-maritime crew on board. Since there are currently no mandatory international regulations applicable for such operation, there have been several different compliance schemes applied by the different flag administrations for such operations. The most common regulations used as reference for acceptance have been:
- The “Interim recommendations on the safe carriage of more than 12 industrial personnel on board vessels engaged on international voyages” (Res. MSC.418(97))
- 2008 SPS Code
- 1983 SPS Code (Res. A.534(13))
- SOLAS passenger ship regulations
The IP Code is intended to take over as the applicable compliance scheme, and to make it clearer to all parties what requirements will apply for carrying industrial personnel on international voyages.
All ships to which the IP Code applies shall have on board an Industrial Personnel Safety Certificate.
Application and “grandfathering” provisions
For existing vessels, irrespective of their date of construction, from the date of entry into force, the IP Code applies to:
- Cargo ships and high-speed cargo craft
- of 500 gross tonnage and upwards, and
- which will carry more than a total of 12 industrial personnel, special personnel and passengers combined, and
- which will be operating on international voyages.
- High-speed cargo craft shall not carry more than 60 persons on board.
Read more about how to obtain an Industrial Personnel Safety Certificate by expanding the relevant blocks below.