TAPA FSR - Facility Security Requirements

Protect theft-target products when in-transit storage and during warehousing.

TAPA FSR specifies minimum acceptable security standards for in-transit storage and warehousing. By including risk assessment, management system and physical security measures requirements, the standard helps you build supply chain security and resilience. 

What is TAPA FSR

Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA) is an association of security professionals and related business partners from high technology and high value companies. Their objective is to address the emerging security threats common to the high value industry supply chain. It unites global manufacturers, logistics providers, freight carriers, law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders with the common aim of reducing and preventing losses from international supply chains.

A fundamental objective is to improve security practices across freight transportation and insurance communities. TAPA is a global membership association. Members include many of the world’s leading manufacturing brands as well as their logistics and transport providers.

The scheme is not limited to TAPA members. It can be applied by all companies dealing with in-transit storage and warehousing.

Benefits of becoming certified

The TAPA FSR standard offers three levels of certification by the Association’s approved Independent Audit Bodies as well as a self-certification option. Non-member companies may also achieve certification after completing the appropriate TAPA training course. Among the benefits of certification are:

  • establish an effective physical security system to reduce the loss of high-value assets;
  • save cost on insurance fees due to reduced losses and effective risk assessment;
  • improve inventory security and maintain competitive advantages of 'just-in-time' deliveries;
  • get TAPA professional assistance from the global incident reporting centre;
  • integrate TAPA FSR principles within other management systems.

Getting started

DNV is accredited by TAPA to deliver certification worldwide. Any certification starts with understand the scheme, building internal competence and ensuring compliance with the requirements. DNV can help you with all your TAPA FSR certification needs. Contact us for further information about the scheme, certification process and how to integrate with other management system standards.


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