Strategic planning software - Improvement Management - Synergi Life

Strategic planning software to support continuous improvement processes and strategic management

Strategic planning software

The Improvement Management strategic planning software in Synergi Life supports your company’s strategy implementation and continuous improvement process. As a response to changes in core conditions, demands and other requirements, the strategy software will help you manage systematic improvement studies and plans, ad hoc initiatives and improvement ideas.

Synergi Life’s strategy software is built to support strategic implementation through systematic improvement studies and target improvement plans, enabling you to ensure that the best improvement proposals are acted upon. Your entire organization will be able to follow action plans and implementation strategies, including expected gains and due dates.

Organizations with continuous improvement as a core principle will find that our strategic planning software helps to secure this process by identifying responsible people, monitoring progress and sending alerts if due dates are passed.

Strategy software for continuous improvement processes

The strategy software consists of case types for proposed improvements, improvement studies and target improvement plans. All come with the standard Synergi Life functions of collecting, processing, analysing and communicating performance data. Improvement Management has been designed to allow any individuals or organizational units to come up with improvement proposals for a process, product, work practice or strategy.

The improvement analysis process and target improvement plans allow your company to evaluate established targets and objectives while creating specific action plans for improvement and conducting cost benefit analyses. Achievements and gains from the improvement process and investment are easily monitored through the built-in report and analysis tool.

Strategic management software for effective improvement

How can the strategy software module in Synergi Life help you and your organization work more effectively? Synergi Life's Improvement Management strategic planning software module enables:

  • Ability to evolve and stay ahead of changing core conditions, customer demands and stakeholder requirements
  • Collection and strategic management of improvement proposals for a process, product, working practice or strategy for individuals or organizational units
  • Better results through strategic planning software's systematic continuous improvement system
  • Strategy software features built-in reports, analysis tools and dashboards 
  • Clearly see expected gains, due dates and responsible people
  • Flexible reporting, aggregation and data management through web or mobile strategy software interfaces

Progress monitoring with the strategic management software module

  • Action plans and implementation strategies become transparent throughout the organization
  • Identification of responsible people, progress monitoring and automatic alerts 
  • Achievements and gains from the improvement process and investment are easily monitored
  • Built-in report and analysis tool in the strategy software
  • Flexible lists, advanced searches
  • Communication internally, to customers, suppliers or to external stakeholders via strategic planning software

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  Synergi Life Improvement Management

Synergi Life Improvement Management

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