Analysis of moorings and subsea umbilicals - Sesam for moorings and risers

Improving safety and performance of deepwater floating systems through mooring, riser and subsea umbilicals analysis

Mooring analysis

Sesam is a proven solution for deepwater floating systems, mooring and SURF analysis (subsea, umbilical, riser, flowline).

Mooring and riser analysis and verification

  • Proven solution: the mooring and riser systems of many platforms have been designed and/or verified with Sesam
  • Mooring and riser analysis methods used in Sesam have been extensively validated
  • Unique multi-body capabilities for complex field layouts involving many floaters, e.g. side-by-side moored systems, CALM analysis
  • Cross section design and global and local fatigue analysis for subsea umbilicals
  • Sesam tools for mooring and riser analysis are known in the offshore oil and gas industry for its efficiency and accuracy

Coupling effects included in mooring and riser analysis

SURF engineers must predict extreme responses and fatigue damage to mooring and riser systems under waves, wind, and current loading conditions. With Sesam you may analyse the slender structures separately or consider the coupling effect between the floater and the mooring and riser systems as the Sesam module DeepC is able to take the coupling effects and other important nonlinearities into consideration.

Analysis of deepwater installations

For deepwater installations, the riser and mooring systems greatly influence the motions of the floater. The floater and slender structures constitute an integrated dynamic system responding to the environmental loading. Because coupling effects are consistently treated, there is no need to make assumptions about the damping level (updated for each time step) which is crucial in a non-linear analysis accounting for slender structure restoring, damping and inertia forces. In other words, Sesam's software tools will increase the confidence level of riser and mooring analysis.

Subsea umbilicals and environmental conditions

Riser, moorings and the environmental conditions are defined in the Sesam module DeepC while vessel RAOs and mass/damping coefficients can be imported directly from results generated in Sesam's hydrodynamics module Wadam. The response of the risers and moorings are then computed using the non-linear solver in the Riflex module. Based on input from a global analysis, local cross section analysis of umbilicals, helix wires, steel tubes and flexible risers may be performed using the module Helica.


  Sesam for moorings and risers

Sesam for moorings and risers

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  Sesam for fixed structures video

Sesam for fixed structures video


  Sesam Feature Description

Sesam Feature Description

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